Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself. (Where you’re from, what you’re doing now…etc)
A: I was born and raised in Hot Springs SD. I went K through 12 in Hot Springs. I never liked running growing up. I did play football for 2 yrs. Then I was the mascot for the Bison Football team. I went to Bible College for 3 yrs in Wyoming. The name of it was Frontier School of the Bible. Currently I am working on my weight again…. Getting my weight off. I currently serve the Lord in Hot Springs. I just recently got back from a mission trip to Rwanda, Africa.
Q: How long have you been running and how did you get started?
A: I have been running for 10 yrs. I started running for my health. I added running as part of my fitness routine. Plus, I really like getting medals.
Q: Would you rather run with a group or alone?
A: I say both. I like running in a group because it pushes me to go faster. I also like running on my own because I can go at my own pace. I like virtual races because you can do it on your own and still get medals.
Q: Do you prefer roads or trails?
A: I like them both. I like trails because of the beauty you see along the trails. I get to worship God and get to be in his creation. I love road races because you don’t have fear of breaking or rolling an ankle. Both have their challenges and I like that about them.
Q: What is your favorite distance or race?
A: I like anything below a marathon. I love 5k’s, 10K’s and half marathons. My favorite race and do it every year is the walk 5K RUN FOR LIFE. I like that 5K because I am serving the lord.
Q: How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?
A: I look to the Lord Jesus Christ to keep me motivated. I spend time in Gods word. He is the one that keeps me motivated even when I don’t want to run or workout. The Lord tells me, I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Q: After a long run or a hard workout, do you treat yourself to something?
A: Yes, I like going to Evans Plunge. I like sitting in the steam room, hot tubes and the sauna.
Q: If I didn’t run I’d ………..
A: If I did not run, I’d be a swimmer. I love swimming.
Q: What do you find to be the most rewarding thing about running?
A: I love the challenge it teaches you to never give up.
Q: What is your favorite running memory?
A: My favorite running memory is when I PR’d on the 4 mile. I just got done working all night from the Black Hills 100. I signed up for the Billy Bigfoot 4 miler in Keystone. I was going to run it on no sleep and just living on caffeine and nicotine. I won the Billy Bigfoot race, running it in under an hour. After winning I went to the Black Hills 100 and showed off the trophy that I had won.
Q: What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned from running?
A: Running shows you, you can get through anything when times are hard.
Q: What are your running goals for the future?
A: My goals for the future is to get my weight off again and to keep it off. I will make it to the Boston Marathon. I want to do the Tough Ruck which is in Boston a week before the marathon. I will continue on my goal which is running in every state in the Union. So far I’ve run in 9 states and they are SD, ND, WY, NE, ID, TX, CO, LA and AR.
Q: Who inspires you most?
A: The Lord Jesus Christ inspires me the most. When I want to quit on a race or give up, he is always there. He tells me not to quit. Brett Farre is a close second. His hard work on the football field showed me if you work hard you can accomplish anything.
Q: What advice do you have for new runners?
A: To never give up. Find someone that inspires you and look to him or her. If I could suggest…. I’d say look to the Lord Jesus Christ cause he will never leave you nor forsake you.