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July 2023-Ramsey Karim

Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself. (Where you’re from, what you’re doing now…etc)

A: I have lived in Custer my whole life. Sports have always been an important part of my life. I grew up watching my older brother and sister participating in various sports and activities. Throughout high school I participated in cross country, basketball, and track. I just graduated from Custer High School and am getting ready to move to Sioux Falls next fall where I will be running cross country and track for Augustana University. My summer has been filled with many miles, and I have been spending the rest of my time working at an ice cream shop and hanging out with friends. 

Q: How long have you been running and how did you get started?

A: I was sort of forced to do the little kid track meets at Sioux Park when my sister and brother were participating, but I did not enjoy it very much during that time. My mom is the high school cross country coach in Custer, so I have always been around the program.  I was a little unsure at first about cross country in middle school, but the summer going into my 6th grade year I had a group of friends to run with in the mornings which made me feel better about starting. I would say that by midway through that first season my attitude had changed after winning a few races, and I decided that I loved the competitiveness of running and was going to take it pretty seriously.

Q: Would you rather run with a group or alone?

A: I would 100% rather run with a group. Even though I graduated, I still run with members of my high school team every day. I have always been a part of a team and have a great appreciation for each of my teammates. 

Q: Do you prefer roads or trails?  

A: I don’t really know what category the Mickelson Trail falls under, but that is where I do most of my runs. Because I have been blessed with running on the Mickelson Trail most of my life, I do not like running on roads, so if I can avoid it I will try to run on soft surfaces. Trail running is one thing that I have never really gotten into, but would be open to trying. 

Q: What is your favorite distance or race?

A: My favorite race distance kinda depends on each season. This last season it was probably the 1600. But my favorite race is the Gold Discovery Days 5k that is a fundraiser for the Custer Cross Country Team or the Augie Twilight meet because of the energy. 

Q: How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?

A: I really try not to think about it too much. I do most of my runs right away in the morning, so I can just wake up and get it out of the way. I also love meeting people to run because then I can be held accountable to be there, even when I do not always feel like it. 

Q: After a long run or a hard workout, do you treat yourself to something?

A: Yes! I am always willing to treat myself to something sweet, or I feel like I deserve a nice nap. 


Q: If I didn’t run I’d ………..

A: Probably would have to get a job or something. 

Q: What do you find to be the most rewarding thing about running?

A: Either reaching personal milestones or having success as a team. There is nothing better than seeing all the hard work and the many miles run come together. 

Q: What is your favorite running memory?

A: My favorite running memory would have to be winning one of the three State Cross Country Championships with my teammates. 


Q: What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned from running?

A: Listen to your mom, even if she sometimes sounds crazy 😉


Q: What are your running goals for the future?

A: I am hoping to be a main contributor to the success of the women’s running program at Augustana University. 


Q: Who inspires you most?       

A: My teammates inspire me most. Having a passionate team with shared goals inspires me to be the best runner and person that I can. 

Q: What advice do you have for new runners?

A: The biggest piece of advice I would give is to just keep showing up. Consistency is key, and it will get easier. And it doesn’t matter how good of shape you are in, there is no way you can feel good every day.