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December 2021-Patrick Carlin

Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself. (Where you’re from, what you’re doing now…etc) 

A:  I was born and raised in the Black Hills. I’ve been married to my beautiful crew chief Samantha for six years we have two amazing kids, Kiera who is 10 years old and Brighton who is 4 years old.  

Q: How long have you been running and how did you get started? 

A:  I ran for the health benefits, but it really all started summer of 2016 when I watched my brother Laren finish his 1st 50 miler, and was curious what possesses anyone to run that far. That fall is when I signed up for my first half marathon. In 2017 I ran the Black Hills Runners Club trail series and fell in love with trail running.  

Q: Would you rather run with a group or alone? 

A: Both! Running alone is great way to think about life without any distractions. Group runs are awesome being out with people that share a common interest.  

Q: Do you prefer roads or trails?   

A:  I love trails, roads have their place, but trails is my favorite way to experience nature with great views, and climbing up hills forever.   

Q: What is your favorite distance or race? 

A:  That’s tough I’ve ran everything from 5k to a 100 miler. I’d say half marathons. I don’t run a lot of them but there the perfect distance to race. Fast, challenging, not to mental, just go out and push it.  

Q: How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run? 

A:  I don’t always. On the days I feel motivated I try to make the most of it knowing that there will be days I don’t feel motivated, I just try to show up.  

Q: If I didn’t run, I’d …. 

A:  Be repping the dad bod. I honestly don’t know.  

Q: What do you find to be the most rewarding thing about running? 

A:  I push myself to distances, and speeds realizing the human body is pretty awesome. I also enjoy watching my fellow running friends achieve their goals as well. 

Q: What your favorite running memory? 

A: The Black Hills 100 miler to cross that finish line in the conditions of that race is something very special to me and my crew chief Samy.  

Q: Do you have a pre-race ritual? 

A:  For big races I always eat a steak and sweet potatoes the day before and say a prayer. 

Q: What is one of your funniest running stories? 

A:  I have a lot of running stories. A lot of hail storms leap frogging down trees for 20 miles. Probably the best one is when Laren and I were running, we were looking for a 16-mile loop and took a left when we should of went right ended up with 20 miles in the dark without head lamps. We almost had a search and rescue crew called that night. One great thing about running with my older brother is when there is wild cow, or creek crossings, or foot of snow he gets the privilege of leading the way. 

Q: What are your running goals for the future?   

A:  In 2022 Black Hills 50k, and Lean Horse 100 retry. In the future I’d love to run Lead vile 100 and to run a Sub 2:50 marathon. 

Q: Who inspires you most?  

A:  My wife and family. I wouldn’t be the runner I am today without them.  

Q: What advice do you have for new runners? 

A:   Have fun and take your time. Volunteer for a race to see what it all about. If you run races, and enjoy all the training. Realize that the race is just cherry on top!