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April 2021-Kayla Silver

I grew up in the Black Hills and love all that the area has to offer. Growing up an athlete, my relationship with running is growing.  I didn’t really pick up running until my early 20’s, but have found a passion for the challenge and adventure that running provides.

When we wish we were out getting lost on a trail I work as a Physician Recruiter with Monument Health. 

Running has a special place for me. It’s how I met actually my husband. We met at the Elk Creek aid station during the 2011 Black Hills 100 event. Then fast forward a year later and we got engaged at the finish line of my first full marathon at the Denver Rock n Roll. This paints some pretty memorable running experiences we’ve shared as a couple. We have attempted at least one distance each year at Black Hills 100 since the beginning, more than 10 years ago. (I don’t recommend doing the 30k when it’s 90 degrees plus and you are 7 months pregnant! 😊) This year may break our streak though it appears.

I try to be involved and volunteer to give back to the community that has provided so much for our family (including our 2 kids). That lead to volunteering for the Trail Series Director this year and bringing Jason along to help. We hope you will join us as a part of the runs this year or find a way to be involved in the great community and meet some amazing people.

I definitely prefer to be out on the trails! I really enjoy the community and support that group runs provide, but spend more time running alone. A big part of that is because we are juggling scheduling time for us each to get out with a busy 5 year old and dogs who want to sniff the forest.

When it comes to racing, I love a good 30k and have a found a home at the start line of Black Hills 100 each year. Motivation and what’s fun seems to go up and down and I think it’s a healthy part of running and recognize the mental as well as physical strain a training block or race can have on someone. It’s ok to have days or weeks where you don’t run and should find other ways to get out and be active and enjoy the process of being healthy.

My favorite pre-race ritual of Mexican food the night prior started while in Denver for the marathon and just kind of stuck. Fortunately it hasn’t failed me yet and we are happy to continue to do our part to make sure our body is ready to fuel with it.

My running goals for the future are really uncertain except to get out and enjoy it. While everyone seems to have a watch or Strava or some other tracking device that always seems to tell you to go faster or allows you to compare yourself unfairly, I think it’s important, especially when you start, to disconnect from the additional stress and fall in love with the process while you develop a good routine and base.