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March 2021-Wes Broeder

Q: Tell me a little about yourself (where you’re from what you’re doing now…etc)

A:  I grew up in Glendive, MT which is where I started running. I grew up playing football,basketball,baseball, and track/field. When I was in 7th grade football the best part of practice to me was the pre-practice run of about ¼-½ mile. Everyone else hated it. I took my skinny butt out for cross-country the next fall.

I was lucky enough to have a great group of runners in the classes ahead of me, I wanted to run on varsity track and cross-country as a freshman so I started running on my own the summer before high school and have for the most part been running since.

I ran college track and cross-country for 2 years at Dickinson State University in ND. I eventually transferred and graduated from Montana State University in Bozeman with an exercise science degree. I did not run competitively at MSU but was running some on my own then. I had many other college extra-curricular activities that kept me busy at that point.

I have since lived in various places including Billings,MT, Denver, Mesa,AZ. Eventually landing in Spearfish in 2007 where I have worked as a physician assistant in a few different settings since. I have 2 adult children, one in Rapid and one in Mitchell. 

Q: How long have you been running and how did you get started?

A: I started running as stated above in around 1983 and the group of runners/athletes that I was lucky enough to learn from and compete with scored the Dawson County High Red Devils a State Championship in cross-country, runner up one year and 2 Track and Field State Championships(sorry-had to throw in some old guy glory days stuff)

Q: Would you rather run with a group or alone?

A: I really enjoy both, running by myself allows me the flexibility to go on a run  anytime and anywhere. It gives me much needed alone quiet time. I also really am inspired when running in a group and forces me to explore new routes and places. The local running groups that I have started running with over the past year or so have been such a positive part of my life. Thank you all for that.

Q: Do you prefer roads or trails?

A: Again I really like both. There is so much to gain by escaping to the trails whether alone or in a group-nature, serenity, the possibility of falling. The roads are great for pushing the pace, obsessing over numbers,pace etc.

Q: What is your favorite distance or race?

A: I think the half marathon may be my favorite as I’m usually pretty close to being in decent shape to run it and it is still challenging. The half does not take nearly as much time to train for and recover from. You can easily jump into one if on vacation. That being said, the marathon plus distances are much more taxing to train for but more rewarding overall in the end.

Q: How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?

A: I usually just recall the times in my life when I had an injury and could not run-that usually kicks more sorry butt out the door. Usually in those cases as long as I can talk myself into getting out to do something short-it goes better than I planned and I go longer.

Q: What do you find to be the most rewarding/inspiring thing about running?

A: First of all, for me it is needed for mental stability(or as close as I can get). Being outside, doing things that most people can’t/won’t do,endorphins,sense of accomplishment. The setting of goals and achieving them is rewarding but often I get more incentive and weird enjoyment in setting seemingly unrealistic goals and failing at them multiple times before achieving them.

Q: Tell us a little trivia about your running?

A: I am undefeated in running marathons in Wyoming (2 Marathons- many years ago) therefore I will never run another marathon in Wyoming. Ultras would be Ok though

Q: What is your favorite running memory?

A:There are many going back to high school running. I have made so many great friends through running. I have great memories running races with my son as well. Another cool memory is shortly after moving to the hills, running into a college team mate at a local 5K in Sturgis after 20 years. That was Ryan Phillips, who many of you know, he dragged me out on a trail for a run which was the beginning of my trail experience.

Q: If I didn’t run I’d….

A: Bike,hike,camp, drink beer, watch stupid humor TV/movies and sports (wait, I already do that)

Q: Do you have a pre-race ritual

A:  Eat a peanut butter and jelly/honey sandwich, some coffee, water maybe a banana. Easy warmup and stretching routine, go to the bathroom multiple times(just to be sure)

Q: What are your future running goals?

A: First and foremost these days my number one goal is to stay healthy and injury free. This year I’m signed up for the Black Hills 50 miler which will be my longest run. I’d like to run a Boston Qualifying marathon this year. I’d like to do another beer mile as well

Q: What advice do you have for new runners?

A:  Running is largely a solo activity but especially starting out, you need help, advice, encouragement from others. Runners are always wanting to help and see you succeed-use that to help you. Don’t worry about starting and “failing” multiple times, keep at it.