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June 2020-Rebecca Holso

Q: Tell me a little about yourself (where you’re from what you’re doing now…etc)

A: I grew up in Rapid City.  My husband and I left to WY for a short time and returned to the Black Hills.  I am Registered Nurse, 11 years.  We have 2 girls.  We love the outdoors.

Q: How long have you been running and how did you get started?

A: I started running in elementary school. I ran in middle school track and then stopped after my freshman year in high school. I played soccer growing up, continuing to run for training.  After high school, Rapid City didn’t have much for women’s soccer so I picked back up running.

Q: Would you rather run with a group or alone?

A: Depends on the day,  I love to lose myself in my runs, which can happen when I am alone or with a group.  I enjoy the company and motivation running with people but also the absent mind when running alone.  I have met amazing new friends running!

Q: Do you prefer roads or trails?

A: Until a couple of years ago I had only run road.  I absolutely love the trails.  I have seen amazing sights in the Black Hills that I didn’t know were even in my backyard.

I still enjoy road running, but I appreciate the variety of places to run here at home.  I also really enjoy traveling to run.  You can see so many different things when you are out on foot.

Q: What is your favorite distance or race?

A: I don’t know if I have a favorite distance.  I enjoy them all as long as I feel good.  I have definitely had runs that don’t feel good, short and long distances.  When I finish and I feel that I accomplished what was needed, whether it was a hard workout or an easy run to relax.

Q: How do you stay motivated when you don’t want to run?

A: That is where my running partners are the most important.  If I know they are meeting me, I will be there.  Other times it may be a little forced buy once I get going it is usually the best thing for a long day.

Q: What do you find to be the most rewarding/inspiring thing about running?

A: Accomplishment,  I love the feeling of accomplishing my goal.  After my first marathon and few others that went horrible, I was bound and determined there would be another and it would go better.  I am stubborn in that I don’t like to give up easily.

Q: Tell us a little trivia about your running?

A: I am not sure I have any 🙃…

Q: What is your favorite running memory?

A: I have so many!  From crossing the finish line of the Medtronic Marathon hand in hand with my sister, running a first marathon with a friend, to qualifying for Boston with the amazing group from the BH running community! Of course, going for runs with my husband, 2 girls and our black lab!

I really enjoy watching my girls race.  I know the excitement, maybe a little fear before a race, and the amazing feeling of crossing the finish line.  I love seeing them have that same feelings.

Q: If I didn’t run I’d….

A: Get fat!  I am sure I would have something else to occupy my time.  I think I would struggle if I lost my running in my life.  I hopefully would find something that could challenge and reward me as much as running.

Q: Do you have a pre-race ritual?

A: It has changed so much over the years as I have learned so much.  The biggest impact is HYDRATING!  I really focus on hydrating the week of the race, limiting alcohol and caffeine.

Q: What are your future running goals?

A: It was Boston and someday, I may be able to cross that finish line.  I have also been really considering more ultra running, someday I will complete a 100 mile race. Until that day comes, I will continue to run and enjoy watching my girls grow up.

Q: Tell us something about yourself we might not know?

A: I am a stroke survivor.  I had a stroke at 27 years old, received thrombolytics, walked out of the hospital and ran a marathon 6 weeks later.  The Medtronic Marathon and crossing the finish line with my sister, I will never forget that feeling of being fortunate of my life. My husband didn’t want me to keep running but I told him it saved my life, helping me recover as fast as I did, well the drug helped too.  My promise to him, I will always have my phone with me.  That was 10 years ago and thankfully I have not had any other health issues.

Q: What advice do you have for new runners?

A: Don’t give up, enjoy the struggles, the achievements, and everything in between!