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January 2017-Teresa Verburg

Q. Where are you from originally and what are you doing now?

A. I am a farm kid from Iowa. After college I lived in Minneapolis for 10 years working as a commercial illustrator. My husband and I moved to Rapid City in 1993 and I worked at Summit Signs until 2015, when my partner and I sold the business. I now divide my time between Summit Signs and The Runner’s Shop.

Q. What do you do when you’re not running?

A. My husband and I are avid motorcycle riders, and currently own four road bikes. I have been riding for 35 years and road raced for a few years in the ‘80s.

Q. How long have you been running and how did you get started? How long have you been a BHRC member?

A. I started running in 1998 at age 35, from couch to walking to running a 5k. I have been a member of the BHRC since 1999.

Q.  Would you rather run with a group or train alone? Do you listen to music, run with pets, or commune with nature?

A. As a hopeless introvert I have intentions of running with a group, but always end up alone. I prefer listening to music on long runs, and audio books on the 6+ hour outings.

Q. What is your favorite distance or race? Are you currently training for anything?

A. My favorite distance would be a marathon or 50 miler, but I have an unhealthy obsession with the 100 miler. I feel the need to keep trying until age wins out. I am currently training for a June 100 mile race.

Q. What piece of equipment you couldn’t run without?

A. My Nathan hydration vest is my security blanket, storing everything I need. I also strap on my gaiters for almost every long run – I HATE little rocks in my shoes.

Q. Pavement or trails?

A. I wish the trails were paved! I don’t like traffic, and I don’t like doing face-plants.

Q. What advice do you have for new runners?

A. Keep a pace that is comfortable and allows for conversation. I often hear new runners complaining that it’s too hard, they can’t breathe and have to stop and walk. Don’t worry that you may be too slow, no one cares but you. For anyone considering ultramarathons , I would add that doing a 100 miler is nothing like 4 marathons. I am not gifted in any way, but find that ultras give me a chance to slow down the pace, test my limits both physically and mentally and enjoy the friendship of people who make up the ultra community.

Q. What are your goals for the future?

A. I hope to continue running 100 mile ultramarathons until I can no longer make the cut-offs, then I will drop down to a more reasonable 50 mile distance.

Q. What do you love and dislike about running?

A. I love that running has allowed me to achieve things that I never thought possible – 22 marathons including Boston, and completing 50 and 100 mile ultramarathons. I don’t like the fact that, as a non-athletic person, it is always a struggle for me to get out the door to train. I have not found nirvana in running.
Races: 22 marathons, 2- 50k, 5- 50 mile, 1- 100k, 6- 100 mile (3 DNF)